And...spoilers....we're looking to expand our offerings in the new year.
We can hardly wait to show you.

What to do with our paper?
Our paper always attracts a lot of attention at trade shows. People love the color, the detail, the texture, and more. Something we've heard (or overheard at times) is.."It is so lovely...but what could I do with it?"
Rug News and Design mentioned a few options... Room Screen, Wallpaper, a backdrop for a shop display. All great ideas. We've been liking the three-dimensional aspect of displaying the paper in soft rolls. It drapes well with the grain. As you can see.
We love seeing what our customers do with our pieces. Recently we received a photo from ID Design in Cincinnati. Carol Grubb, one of the owners, had a home in Cincinnati's Homearama showcase. She used our Solar paper as a wall-mounted "headboard". We love it.