It started with a registration request on our website. The company name was unknown to us, the email address arcane. We tried to find them on the internet, but didn't find anything. So...we dropped the applicant an email to get more info.
We received a phone call...."This is Hedieh Ghaffarian. I'm the Chief Floral Designer for the White House and I'm putting together the designs for a State Dinner. I saw your Stainless Steel orbs in Atlanta and loved them."
Kevin, our webmaster, almost dropped the phone. "When do you need them?"
The answer, of course, was right away. The state dinner in question was for Prime Minister Trudeau and it was quickly approaching. We got Ms. Ghaffarian her orbs and she worked magic with them. You can see them in THIS PHOTO on the right side of Michelle Obama and Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau.
Not quite as exciting, but still very gratifying, our Gabriel Pendant Lights have been getting a lot of attention. First in the High Point Market TWITTER CHAT (which also included our INLAY STONE collection). Then in Hospitality Design and enLIGHTenment magazines.
We're very excited. You can check these out and more when we get to High Point in just a few weeks!