Mississippi Sausage Social!!!
Last week Allan's mother down south sent us some sausage, well a whole lot of sausage. We had no choice but to dim the lights, turn the computers off and make big decisions like sport peppers or jalapenos. I was surprised how much ketchup was used, being Chicagoans and all, but we did demolish that bottle of mustard. Go Bears!
Every now and then us Gold Leafers plan a social as a way to let loose and enjoy each others company. We join forces at lunch and each person adds to the meal. Sometimes contributions aren't food but Neil reading aloud the missed connections section of the Chicago Reader and Michelle telling us about Nintendo Wii battle stories. Jason from shipping contributed with lightning the load in the refrigerator. The poppy seed bun and sausage was so good that I actually saw him sneaking some more later in the afternoon, plain, nothing on it, like he just unwrapped it in the bleachers at Wrigley Field. Just a bun and sausage.
We have been so busy with show orders, new products and a new catalog that this was a good exercise for the mind, body and soul. A nice little way for us to bond as friends as the new season and year for Gold Leaf starts to make some waves. I can feel the spring slowly arriving here, and we can't wait. This was a nice little taste of summer. Thanks everyone!
It was yummy. Wish we could do it every week!