Favorite season: Summer
Favorite Band/Singer is: Abba, Bruno Mars, The Jackson 5
Favorite quote is: Just Do It!
Favorite Book The Four Agreements by Miguel Angel Ruiz and Women Who Run with the Wolves by Estés Clarissa Pinkola
Favorite movie: Avatar, Colors, Visual Effects, Preserving Nature
I would have liked to have met: Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Theresa
Favorite TV show: Project Runway, Rachel Zoe Project, Bloomberg Game Changers & Bloomberg Risk Takers
Favorite adjective: Thankful
My oddest job was: Working at the Field Museum of Chicago at the Monet/Degan showing visitors how to operate the tape recorder for the exhibit.
When no one is looking, I... Enjoy eating a mango
No one would guess... I love to read books
My top three hobbies / interests... Tennis, Caribbean Artwork, Attending Art Festivals
I wish I had more... Time
My ideal day would include: Being at the beach, Drinking coconut and eating seafood
How many tattoos do you have? None
How many scars do you have? None
Peanut butter...Crunchy or Smooth? Smooth
Talker or Listener? Talker
Pencil or Pen? Pen...a blue pen
Elvis or Beatles? Elvis
Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
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